Good Morning

>> Thursday, July 23, 2009

This is Bill - pictures do not do his adorableness justice. Considering he looks really tough in this photo and he is really %100 teddy bear. He was especially emotionally hard for me. Mostly, because there is something about him that is much like my Bebe.

The first few days that Bill was at the shelter, he was heartbroken. I mean reeaallly depressed. Obviously belonging to someone.

Over the last few days he got better. With the help of some back rubs - Bill really loves back rubs. He also loved the 'sit' command. Very proud that he knew that. Would like to show it off all day. Everyday getting more and more lovable.

Bill was scheduled to be put down this morning. At the same time Mama got a call from a rescue group that wanted him - ah! First she called the shelter - no response. So rush, rush, hurry, hurry to find the Animal Control Officers cell number. Aha! Got it. The ACO had just sedated Bill and was about to give him his 'last rites'.

To make a wacky story short, the rescue group didn't take our Bill. Because, when he woke up (about 5 hours later - poor sleepy head) his real live owner had arrived to pick him up. And his little girlie too. So, happy Bill went home with his happy (but bawling) owners.


Moral of story:
1: Always, always check the shelter ASAP when you loose your pet.
2: God loves his pitty babies.


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